Author / Illustrator Profile
Dick King-Smith
Everything has turned out
fine for Dick King-Smith .He married Myrle in 1943, while she was with Fighter
Command and he was a 20-year-old Grenadier Guard, and now they live in a
twisty old house near Bristol. For a long time they had no home, no money and
three children, but when he was nearly 50 he started teaching at a primary
school, and writing stories for children in the holidays. His books were an
immediate success and his earlier experiences as a farmer coupled with being a
teacher and writer got him into television, with ‘Rub-a-dub’,and ‘Tumbledown
The Sheep Pig, his 6th
novel, was filmed as “Babe” and is still one of his most popular stories.
Shortlisted Title
1999 - Mr Ape